Back in Montevideo

We left Maldonado on Monday to go back to Montevideo, the Paraguayan visa should be ready…
After a little change in the original plan, we got the bus – it actually stopped at the station and we even got our promised seats (there were already people standing).
When bom called, paraguay said for the x-th time that they dont yet know if he will get the visa, and we should call again the next day. Just a few minutes later, the phone rang: chile said we can come to get the visa! Of course it wasn’t SO easy – they got the passport and we were told to come back the next day and they actually gave us only the 10 days for which they got a hotel reservation.. so we’ll just stay in the north. And we’ll go to chile instead of paraguay.
Next decision: flights aren’t so expensive… so we got a flight ticket: On Dec 19th from Montevideo to Foz do Iguazu (Brazil). And then, on Dec. 26th from Iguacu via Montevideo to Santiago de Chile. From Santiago, we will then go north by bus, no idea to what towns.
So, for now, we stay in Montevideo, waiting for the plane to leave


From Juan Lacaze, we went back to Montevideo just to change the bus, and then continued towards Punta del Este.
We spent some great days in Maldonado with Karin, Brigitte and Pavel. After a little bike tour, we had a picknick at the beach.. and even went swimming.. though the water was quite cold We saw a lot of beautiful trees and flowers in a park, and especially in Lavalleja the landscape was really lovely.
One day, we went horseback riding in Maldonado- and it was nice! The next day, we went to Minas, saw little waterfalls there (preparing for Iguazu) and finally, trying to find real gauchos, got to a little village at a lake. As we learnt, the horses there were for rent.. and because it was much cheaper than the last day, we decided to go horseback riding again, for one hour. On the way back to the starting point, we were invited to a little party at the local school, which had about 10 pupils. They were celebrating the end of the term.
Besides that, we ate the biggest Milanesa (or what was it called?) ever and had real Uruguayan barbecue.. And the fish was great too – i just don’t remember what the dish was called.
Thanks again to all of you for the great time we had together!

Punta del Este in the evening:

Horseback riding

Beach.. in the left top corner is the sea, the right piece of water is a lake!

Juan Lacaze

While staying in Colonia we were invited to a farm near Juan Lacaze and the next day we went there We saw the town of Juan Lacaze, the port, and a little zoo with lots of birds.

The first day it was quite cold but it got better (warmer) and we spent two days at the beach, once our private beach next to the farm and once a few kilometres away in a little tourist town (which was totally empty). Besides that, we drank mate and ate torta fritta with dulce de leche at the sea

Juan, please tell me if the location of your farm is correct?

Colonia del Sacramento

Already since Tuesday afternoon we are in Colonia del Sacramento. The historic quarter of the town is a World Heritage Site, which is why we are here, and from here ferries to Argentina, Buenos Aires, leave.. which is why about everyone else is here The only guidebooks the hostel has, are about Argentina.
The hostel offers free bikes (free – you only have to pay for maintenance.. haha.. and the bikes don’t look like anyone is checking them….) so yesterday we made a little half-an-hour bike tour. Today we went to the beach. In the sun it’s quite hot -i thought about swimming- but at night it’s terribly cold But well, it’s definitely warmer than Germany!

Nochmal Montevideo

Gestern waren wir auf dem Antel – Hochhaus und haben uns die Stadt von oben angeschaut:

Dann ein Bild von unten:

Und wir haben den Bahnhof gefunden. Oder wir denken zumindest ein Teil davon ist der Bahnhof. Es gibt mindestens
eine Bahnlinie in Uruguay

Heute frueh, vor der Abfahrt nach Colonia del Sacramento ein letztes Photo von unserer Strasse und dem Hostel:

Aidkom Mabrouk

Aid Mabrouk pour tt les amis tawa barcha mektebt chay.. femma barcha tsawer et momken bcp de choses a dire .. mais lazemni nebda bel aid… aid special elsné .. lé l7am mechwi w le lemma w le tor7 bilote ba3d el mechwi… mech normal.. 3id fi uruguay.. tawa ne7kiw chweya 3el bled.. donc en anglais..
Now after Brazil we moved to Uruguay Montevideo using bus.. it was very interesting;; in the begining we tought it would take 6 hours.. and tought that’s great.. few hours before we get it we knew that it will take 30HOURS!! uff more than one day but it was not soo bad we did stop sometimes to smoke a cigaret, eat or just stand a little bit . In Montevideo we got a new phone number +598 98801590 if anyone need it just dont forget the 3hours difference before calling.. and know that it wont work once we left the country may b i’ll put the next phone number somewhere here.
What did we do here.. so much and nothing.. now i have visa to Bolivia .. that was funny .. the cheapest and fastest visa i ever got! that was just great.. and i hope all the others would be like that.. or just no visa at all?
We also went to some concert? at least we thought so in the begining.. in montevideo Teatro Solis wich was biig and nice so at least we saw it from inside.
Now sandra suggested me to stop and i think i like the idea :p so see you lool in the next topic wich she will have to write
Aid Said for everyone..
And here some photos :

Wieder in Sao Paulo

Auf dem Weg von Rio nach Sao Paulo waren wir nochmal 3 Tage in Parati, mussten dann aber weiter um das Visum fuer Uruguay abzuholen, bzw. ausstellen zu lassen. Montag Abend geht der Bus (Ticket musste schon gekauft werden fuers Visum…) und bis dahin sollten wir das Visum haben. Man hat uns vor ein paar Tagen am Telefon gesagt, das hats gleich, dauert nur ne Stunde. Also wollten wir das heute frueh schnell erledigen.. nach der Busfahr von Parati nach Sao Paulo nur die Rucksaecke im Hostel abstellen und dann zum Konsulat.
Im Hostel wurde uns gesagt, dass hier heute Feiertag ist!
Wikipedia sagt:
“November 20: Zumbi of Palmares, Black Consciousness Day (Zumbi dos Palmares, Dia da Consciência Negra), States of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro only”
Super, natuerlich nur hier, wo wir sind Also doch kein Konsulat heute.. das ganze soll ja schliesslich spannend bleiben.. stattdessen gehts dann eben Montag Frueh zum Konsulat und Montag Abend nach Uruguay.
In Brasilien sollte am Montag kein Feiertag sein Hoffen wir mal dass es auch in Uruguay keiner ist.. die Weihnachtsferien noch nicht angefangen haben.. der Drucker nicht kaputt ist.. oder was sonst noch alles passieren koennte

Rio de Janeiro

Since yesterday we’re in Rio de Janeiro…
Our home for 3 nights:

The view from our balcony/bar/breakfast room..

it was hot today…

and on the way back home

und wie gewuenscht noch ein paar mehr photos:

Enfin la plage de l’ocean a Trindade

Voila, comme le titre l’indique enfin j’ai nagé dans l’ocean, c’etait plus que merveilleux .. je pense que les mots n’arriveront jamais à l’expliquer .. alors je veux seulement mettre quelques photos..
Il est à indiquer que le chemin a Trindade etait très interessant, dont les yeux sont toujours fixé dans les vues naturels les montagnes la plage..

Cette photo.. je l’aime c’est pour vos arriere plan dans windows ca donne de l’energie de l’été..

C la plage ou on était .. bon presque on était juste un peu à gauche..

Les vagues court derrière l’enfant.. une vue que tu ne voie pas souvent ..

Sans commentaires.. 5oukom lghadi mella chaye5 m3a 7lib el ghoula


After about 6 hours on the bus, we arrived in Parati.. And we even found our hostel quite soon.

The view from our room (8 beds haha):

Find the snake

In order to animate this blog:
We were in “Instituto Butantan” to see snakes but didn’t find any… Maybe you can help us to find a snake in the following photo?

Sao Paulo

Now we’re at home – in the hostel we already booked online from Tunisia.
Yesterday, November 2nd, was a holiday here so we adapted and just went to the park. On the way we bought Água-de-coco, with coconut around it In the park they even have places to put your hammock, if you bring one!
Unfortunately we don’t yet have one.. but we’ll be back after buying one!

In the hostel we were told that every day of the week there is a museum with free entrance, so today we went to masp, Museu de Arte de São Paulo. Afterwards, we walked around a bit on the Avenida Paulista, and then went on top of the Santander Tower to see Sao Paulo from above.

Now I Am IN

Hi everyone..
Now i joined the trip. The first day was funny tiring and hard somehow.. starting was at monastir airport, with my ticket to Brazil via Frankfurt (Germany) and my passport containing a visa to Peru. Seems it was a special case for workers there.. and they all had to wonder.. am going to germany with no visa .. then to brazil with no visa … anyway after some time waiting it was fine and we could check in. then in Frankfurt everything was fine except that i had to walk a lot to find a place to smoke
The plane that took us from Germany to Brazil was big and nice (Boeing 747-400).. we didnt book business class and that was my big mistake. I will never do that again for looong flights. In Brazil (Sao Paulo) we were lucky somehow, we wanted to declare (food) tunisian bread and toffifee we bought in Germany.. so we got the soo empty queue but we didnt have to declare anything in the end nice ! isn’t it?
Well first impression about Sao Paulo could be wrong cause it’s a holiday today; there are no coffes ! and walking there is bad so many mountains.. people never speak english! (almost)… But we got a nice welcome from some brazilian guys and we got nice icecream! here come some photos we took on the way.


Maintenant nous avons nos billets d’avion! Le voyage commernçera vraiment le 31 octobre… si l’avion nous emmene Aprés un stop a Frankfurt nous allons à Sao Paulo où nous allons arriver à 7 h le matin du 1 novembre.

Nous allons passer la première semaine à Sao Paulo.. et aprés… aucune idée… ta nchoufou

Peru (well, at least visa to Peru…)

Bom got his passport, and after calling the peruvian honorary consul, we went to Tunis to get a visa for Peru. So now the passport is gone again – all alone in Tunis. Tomorrow we will go there again to get back the passport – hopefully with visa.
On the way back from Tunis, we stopped at a restaurant next to the street to eat meat and then continued to see the Aqueduct, climb around a bit and take photos.

After that, we passed Zaghouan and some other villages..

..before finally getting home – just to leave again tomorrow morning…
Good night

Immernoch in Teboulba

Der Sommer ist vorbei und wir sind immernoch in Teboulba. Und warten auf den neuen Reisepass. Der sollte angeblich ganz schnell fertig sein.. Nur: jetzt ist der Drucker kapputt! Es dauert also doch etwas laenger. So was aehnliches war fast zu erwarten Sollte der Drucker jemals repariert und der Pass fertig werden, fehlt nur noch das Visum fuer Peru und ein Flugticket.

Neuigkeiten vom Wetter: Sobald ich Waesche wasche und zum trocknen aufhaenge, faengt es an zu regnen. Die Gummi-Waescheleine, die man leicht ueberall aufhaengen kann, hat sich also schon bewaehrt. Die Regenjacke auch. Wenn untertags die Sonne scheint ist es aber doch noch recht warm. Die Temperaturanzeige an der Apotheke meinte letztens immerhin noch 25°.

Achja, Ramadan ist mittlerweile auch vorbei und es gibt das tolle Brot nur noch ganz selten. Aber wenigstens muss ich nicht mehr in der Frueh um halb 4 zum Fruehstuecken aufstehen


Some more photos – not only of teboulba

Arrival in Teboulba

Even though I arrived here, the weather is still great It’s really hot and just the right weather to go swimming. Even after 3 it’s still hot enough! Let’s see… Internet says at noon, today, it was 32° C, feeling like 35°.
The trip to Cologne was fine, the airport was not so nice, only one shop there was open after 9 pm. In Tunis, they made a H1N1 check, but seems nobody was recognized to be sick At the passport check, nobody cared about my non-existent return ticket. I was asked what i have in my giant plastic bag, but the customs officer himself suggested “bagages?” and was happy with my nodding I have no idea what I could be carrying around with me, if not my
At 4 am (5 am German time), we arrived at “home”.
Because everyone is waiting for photos, here you are:

once the view from outside the publinet towards home and the sea..

and once the view along the street towards the center of Teboulba.

Today is the last day with food, tomorrow Ramadan starts..
…and i guess that’s all to tell at the moment.


Welcome to our blog.
I hope you will post many comments and shout a lot