

Jetzt sind wir in Saly, DEM Touristenzentrum im Senegal: Hotels, Souvenirlรคden, Strand, Pool und furchtbar nervige Verkรคufer ๐Ÿ˜‰

Aber es ist eindeutig zu heiรŸ um was anderes zu tun als baden.. Also bleiben wir erstmal ein paar Tage hier.

Wir haben auf Couchsurfing gefragt ob uns jemand ein Restaurant zum Couscous essen empfehlen koennte. Metafor Seck hat geantwortet und uns zu sich nach Hause eingeladen. Wir haben also mit seiner Familie zusammen gegessen, waren dann bei der Verwandtschaft im Laden und bei der Polizei.
Spaeter ging es dann noch kurz zu einer neuen Bekannten nach Hause ๐Ÿ˜‰

Strasseszenen aus dem 7-place:

..auch im Senegal sind Qualitรคt und Hygiene sehr wichtig fรผr eine Metzgerei:

Saint Louis

Nach einer viel zu langen Fahrt in einem ‘Sept places’ (ein uralter Kombi mit einer zusรคtzlichen 3ten Sitzbank und somit 7 Plรคtzen fรผr Fahrgรคste) sind wir etwa 250km und 5 Stunden spรคter endlich in Saint Louis angekommen.. Und dann auch gleich aus Versehen in irgendeiner ‘Veranstaltung’ gelandet, wie man auf dem ersten Bild sieht… Keine Ahnung was da los war ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hier gibt’s in der Herberge ein Mosquitonetz.. Und das braucht’s auch – zwei hab ich heute Abend hier im Zimmer schon gesehen!
… Gute Nacht!

Nach dem Umzug in ein billigeres und zentraleres “Hotel” gab es am Abend ein Konzert mit einer Gruppe aus der Casamance:


Unser erster richtiger Ausflug fรผhrte mit der Fรคhre auf die รŽle de Gorรฉe, von wo aus frรผher die (meisten) Sklaven verkauft wurden.

Zufรคllig war in der Nรคhe unseres Hotels ein Reisebรผro, also haben wir gefragt, was denn ein Ausflug zum rosa See kosten wรผrde. Uns wurde empfohlen, in einem Tagesausflug den rosa See und die Insel Gorรฉe zu besuchen. Und zwar fรผr NUR 140 EUR pro Person ๐Ÿ™‚

Also haben wir doch รถffentliche Verkehrsmittel genommen. Wir waren zwar รผber 3 Stunden unterwegs, haben aber pro Person weniger als 5 EUR gezahlt!
Je nach Sonneneinstrahlung sieht das Wasser des Sees mehr oder weniger rosa aus…

Heute gabs am Strand gegrillten Fisch…

..und morgen fahren wir weiter nach Saint Louis. Mal schauen was die Mosquitos da so machen ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dakar – Sn


Das Foto zeigt die Aussicht beim Warten auf den Bus… Auf dem Heimweg von Wir-wissen-nicht-so-genau-wo ๐Ÿ™‚

Wir sind einfach in einen Bus gestiegen und ein Stรผck gefahren. Eigentlich wollten wir ja nach Almadies, aber wir haben wohl unsere Haltestelle verpasst und sind in Yoff gelandet. Macht nichts, so haben wir immerhin ein paar tolle bunte Boote gesehen.

Es ist heiรŸ und ich hab noch keine einzige Mรผcke gesehen.. Und seit heute Mittag hรคngt auch unser Mosquito-Netz. Es ist zwar ein Haken in der Decke, aber ohne Barhocker ist der nicht erreichbar ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ljubljana – Sl

.. Easter in Slovenia…

juhu.. uploading pictures works again! even after updating the blog!
so here they are.. finally!

Hammamet etc – Tn

Once more a few days in Tunisia.
It started with a while in Hammamet:

Then a trip to the market in Ksar Hellal – well, i just wanted to go to the Fripe there ๐Ÿ™‚

 But before that, a break in a cafรฉ in order to practise taking photos. And finally, it did work: the chairs behind the straw are not recognizable anymore.

And then a short trip to the beach near Mahdia:

Belgrad – Rs

Wen es interessieren darf, der kennt die Geschichte ja schon ๐Ÿ™‚

Deshalb hier: kein Kommentar ๐Ÿ™‚


different taxi companies have different colors ๐Ÿ™‚

 they all cost the same.. but it looks funny when there are so many in the same place!

from the monorail going across the jumeirah palm, you can see the burj al arab.. even better when the train is almost empty.

the final destination is the hotel atlantis which is obviously a photo stop on every dubai bus tour.. at least a lot of buses stopped there while i was looking at it. and inside they had some great ice cream ๐Ÿ™‚

the palm monorail is not connected to the rest of dubai metro.. though they re planning to connect them.. maybe 2014 ๐Ÿ˜‰

 so now the only way to get from one to the other is by taxi… and on the dubai-end of that monorail, there is a taxi station. however, as the security guy inside said: “Private taxi” .. haha! ๐Ÿ™‚

 so i started walking to get a REAL taxi. they at least seem to work…. they happily switch on the counter (inside every taxi theres a sign saying “if the counter isnt working, your taxi ride is for free”)

and after 35ยฐ outside i went inside to watch people skiing and playing in the snow!


even less text than usually… I’ll have to get up early tomorrow to be at the mosque on time at 10 am ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dubai – Ae

Yesterday I visited China..

and Tunisia ๐Ÿ˜›

and then finally got to Dubai ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s around 30ยฐ – probably much more in the sun.. and still 27ยฐ at midnight ๐Ÿ™‚

 ..and it was raining yesterday afternoon! just a few raindrops.. but still! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Interesting: People dont speak arabic! Taxi drivers and waiters in a restaurant dont understand arabic, only english!

Mรผnchen – De

so, ich bin lebendig wieder in Mรผnchen angekommen!

Frohes neues Jahr….ย :))


Yea!! It’s summer! Finally! ๐Ÿ™‚

The flight was only a bit over 1 hour late. And when I found no tourist information at the airport, I just talked to the first person there with a “bus to hongkong” sign. First thing, I got a funny pink sticker on my arm – obviously that they could find me again.
Leaving China and entering Hongkong worked without problems (once I found the other half of my “arrival card” that I got a long long time ago).

After some searching I even found the hostel. People here do speak English, but that doesnt help much if they dont know where I want to go..

It might be around 20ยฐ outside.. and everywhere they use airconditiong.. well.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The view of the port, from the ferry coming from Lantau island

Looking down from the 14th floor (where the hostel is)..

A street at night ๐Ÿ™‚


Since Xi’an weather got a bit warmer.. and since Yichang people no more have heating in their apartments ๐Ÿ˜‰

In Yichang I didn’t do much.. some shopping, and a trip to the 3 gorges dam. Together with a bus full of Chinese tourists and a Chinese guide. So at least they left me alone. On entering the dam, there was the obligatory security check and they obviously didnt like my pocket knife! I got a number – and was told to get it later. If I had known that, I would have put it into my pocket!

In the afternoon, my bus to Chongqing should have left at 3:30. But it didnt. I was told its one hour late. At 4:30 they still didnt let me get through. And at about 5:15 the bus was finally there. A funny bus with beds! Or something like beds… However, it didnt go very fast: it stopped on a shopping center parking and nothing happened for a while. All people were peacefully waiting. A bit before 7, everyone started getting off – and we changed the bus – and finally started towards Chongqing.
Instead of 1 am as we were told when buying the ticket, the bus arrived at about 5 am. After taking a taxi, my trip ended infront of the “Case Filing Hall” ๐Ÿ™‚

 And instead of a couch I got a bed!

The metro there worked like everywhere else. With the little difference that there was more chinese and less english. The green metro line had only a chinese network plan + information inside. The other lines – at least inside the train – were usually in both languages.

It was again a bit warmer than in Yichang, and the city has mountains and a lot of stairs! I saw one more temple ๐Ÿ˜‰

 – the first one i happened to find when getting off the metro in the center..

and the old town. After leaving the main street there, it got quite empty and we could see that people actually live there! ๐Ÿ™‚

People are preparing for chinese new year – the cities are decorated with red lanterns.. and markets sell all that red stuff.


From Datong, I took the train again. This time hard sleeper, departure at about 4 pm, and arrival in Xi’an around 9 the next morning. This time there was a group of russian students (studying chinese here) on the train.
The first observation upon arrival: no sun! and I thought weather would get better on moving towards the south! Lunch was homemade and for dinner we got Paomo for which Xian is famous. The next day I took the bus to see the terracotta army. “Finally” the vendors were as annoying as I had expected it! People offering to be my tour guide even threatened “You wont find the entrance without me!” and that almost seemed correct – you had to walk past so many souvenir stalls before finally arriving at the entrance! But I DID find it alone ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dinner was Korean hotpot.. with korean chopsticks! they re even harder to use than chinese ones! and after that we went shopping (shoes..) – but as shops were already closing, we had to continue the next day.

Shopping part II made my phone look like a blue bear – I think I still need some time to get used to that ๐Ÿ˜‰

And then it was already time to pack again: tomorrow I will spend all day on the train. From 8:50 until 23:45, when the train should arrive in “YichangDong” (written on the train ticket) which is hopefully the same as “Yichang” (where I want to go…).