
In the train from Haerbin back to Beijing I only had a soft seat – time to save some money ðŸ™‚

It was not terribly comfortable but I met a girl from HongKong on the train so it was quite funny. In the morning we went to a chinese fast-food place, just between McDonalds and KFC, and got dumplings and no idea what else for breakfast. Then I took the bus to Datong.
In Datong, it just stopped somewhere on the street and all people got off.. so I did the same.. and even found the bus terminal a few metres away. So there i stood, waiting for my next host, Dachuan, and trying to ignore the 3 people trying to take me somwhere by taxi or to sell me a tour.
After homemade dinner by his dad, we saw the rebuilt old town and today I went on a tour to the hanging temple and yungang grottoes.

funny: here people are actually excited to see a foreigner! but they wont talk. just look.. ðŸ˜‰