Arrival in Teboulba

Even though I arrived here, the weather is still great It’s really hot and just the right weather to go swimming. Even after 3 it’s still hot enough! Let’s see… Internet says at noon, today, it was 32° C, feeling like 35°.
The trip to Cologne was fine, the airport was not so nice, only one shop there was open after 9 pm. In Tunis, they made a H1N1 check, but seems nobody was recognized to be sick At the passport check, nobody cared about my non-existent return ticket. I was asked what i have in my giant plastic bag, but the customs officer himself suggested “bagages?” and was happy with my nodding I have no idea what I could be carrying around with me, if not my
At 4 am (5 am German time), we arrived at “home”.
Because everyone is waiting for photos, here you are:

once the view from outside the publinet towards home and the sea..

and once the view along the street towards the center of Teboulba.

Today is the last day with food, tomorrow Ramadan starts..
…and i guess that’s all to tell at the moment.