Mumbai – In

After a night in Milano with unexpectedly thick but surprisingly good pizza, check-in at the airport (it’s only possible to select normal ‘free’ seats up to 24h before departure), and a 1h late departure, I still arrived in Mumbai at about 3am and decided to stay there and try to sleep for another 2 hours.

Then I went to Chirag’s and Namrata’s place, we had breakfast with their Ukrainian Couchsurfers and later went to the Global Vipassana Pagoda and then to Manori beach. We insisted on swimming even though it was low tide, and we were the only people in the water. Though that might not have been different at high tide ðŸ˜‰

On the way back home we passed through a little food market and tried lots of different fruit.

The next day, instead of going to the touristy part of Mumbai, I found someone who was up to walk around Dharavi with me. I survived the Samosa there, saw Shahrukh Khans house and then got to see a not-so-typical Bollywood movie.

The last day in Mumbai was more touristy..

And then I took my first Indian night train towards Bijapur.