
Yea!! It’s summer! Finally! ๐Ÿ™‚

The flight was only a bit over 1 hour late. And when I found no tourist information at the airport, I just talked to the first person there with a “bus to hongkong” sign. First thing, I got a funny pink sticker on my arm – obviously that they could find me again.
Leaving China and entering Hongkong worked without problems (once I found the other half of my “arrival card” that I got a long long time ago).

After some searching I even found the hostel. People here do speak English, but that doesnt help much if they dont know where I want to go..

It might be around 20ยฐ outside.. and everywhere they use airconditiong.. well.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The view of the port, from the ferry coming from Lantau island

Looking down from the 14th floor (where the hostel is)..

A street at night ๐Ÿ™‚