
Since Xi’an weather got a bit warmer.. and since Yichang people no more have heating in their apartments πŸ˜‰

In Yichang I didn’t do much.. some shopping, and a trip to the 3 gorges dam. Together with a bus full of Chinese tourists and a Chinese guide. So at least they left me alone. On entering the dam, there was the obligatory security check and they obviously didnt like my pocket knife! I got a number – and was told to get it later. If I had known that, I would have put it into my pocket!

In the afternoon, my bus to Chongqing should have left at 3:30. But it didnt. I was told its one hour late. At 4:30 they still didnt let me get through. And at about 5:15 the bus was finally there. A funny bus with beds! Or something like beds… However, it didnt go very fast: it stopped on a shopping center parking and nothing happened for a while. All people were peacefully waiting. A bit before 7, everyone started getting off – and we changed the bus – and finally started towards Chongqing.
Instead of 1 am as we were told when buying the ticket, the bus arrived at about 5 am. After taking a taxi, my trip ended infront of the “Case Filing Hall” πŸ™‚

 And instead of a couch I got a bed!

The metro there worked like everywhere else. With the little difference that there was more chinese and less english. The green metro line had only a chinese network plan + information inside. The other lines – at least inside the train – were usually in both languages.

It was again a bit warmer than in Yichang, and the city has mountains and a lot of stairs! I saw one more temple πŸ˜‰

 – the first one i happened to find when getting off the metro in the center..

and the old town. After leaving the main street there, it got quite empty and we could see that people actually live there! πŸ™‚

People are preparing for chinese new year – the cities are decorated with red lanterns.. and markets sell all that red stuff.