
I took the bus from the city center, going kind of near that terrible, new, far-away-from-the-center bus and taxi station.. and then walked the last km or so.. I found a taxi, got the last seat, and off we went. It wasn’t terribly comfortable, but direct and therefore kind of fast.

Upon arrival, I bought a bus ticket to go back. On the bus that doesn’t go to this terminal, but has it’s own station near the train station. Because I wanted to be sure that I’d get back.

I sat down in a square and had breakfast, then found the old town and walked around a bit before sitting down at a cafe and having coffee. Kids in the square were just getting ready, preparing the paint to colour the houses blue!

Then I walked around some more.. and found the main street with all the Moroccan (!) tourists! Being weekend, it was very crowded. But, vendors left me completely in peace, only focusing on the Moroccans. Nice!

I walked up the hill to the mosque to see the town from above.. then met a couchsurfer, and we had some fresh fruit.

Dinner was local cheese from a little shop, bread from a woman in front of the market, and mulberries – because the bread lady wanted to sell me those, too 🙂

And then I already had to take my bus back. It went through Tetouan, also stopping there.. Next time, I guess, I’d also take the taxi back as it was just so much faster! I was told, in summer you can definitely still find a taxi when it’s dark. Worst case, you need to go to Tetouan and change there.