Mexico City again

I arrived too early in the morning, took the empty enough metro to the center, found my hostel, and left my bag there. I’m staying right around the corner from the main square. I walked around the just awakening city, bought a.. milk rice kind of drink, and sat in the sun. When it opened I went into the Museo del Templo Mayor and was quite alone there so early. Then I went to a coffeeshop Ricardo had recommended, had a cappuccino and tried not to fall asleep πŸ˜‰ There were quite a few children with their parents just practising riding a bicycle. Kind of big children. Funny.

My fancy hostel bed – 1.40 wide, with 3 wooden walls around it, and a curtain at the foot of the bed – was in kind of a basement room with no windows, but a crazy loud fan/AC system. It all looked very nice and new, just the window/fan situation made it feel like walking into a dark cave πŸ˜‰ Note: I want to have a window in my bedroom. Always.

In the evening, I met a couchsurfer for some Pulque – that was still on my todo list. It was ok, not the best, not the worst. I would definitely drink it again πŸ˜‰ and the next day I wanted to go to Lagunilla fleamarket and found a girl who was going with her friends. It was a crazy market, with lots of music, food, and alcohol πŸ™‚ We also ate there, and bought a dangerous looking vivid blue drink because it was on offer. And then we had to finish that drink kind of at a corner because it’s not allowed to drink in the street outside the market. They invented the amazing drinking game of tossing a coin, and then head means the boys have to drink.. and the number means the girls drink,.. Then we walked to Amellalli’s old flat, which the other two guys are going to live in. She and her partner moved out because they were afraid of the earthquake situation!

On the way back to the city center, I found a supermarket – my first real mexican big supermarket! So I managed to buy some stuff to take home, then I walked through the market around Palacio de Bellas Artes again, had weird ‘chips’, bought a sandwich for tomorrow, and finally went to bed quite early πŸ™‚

Because the metro starts running kind of late in the morning, and people told me I should be at the airport 3 hours before departure, I got up early and then planned to use uber. I went out in the street, opened the app.. and had no internet lol So I rang the bell again, woke up the poor door guy, just to use the hostel wifi, and booked my car from inside. And then I was at the airport much too early! Also, at that time, there are none of the funny little food stalls and random people selling stuff. Only shops inside the airport were open already.

Fun fact: there is NO passport control at the airport! I left my bag at check-in, went through security, and nobody ever checked my passport!!