Phnom Penh – Kh

Hong Kong still has rather strict Covid rules, so I spent my 12 hours there walking around the – very empty – airport and then sleeping. With air mattress and sleeping bag, that was quite comfortable.

Phnom Penh airport is tiny and much of it is outdoors. First, I bought a simcard and then looked for the bus station in front of the airport. There seems to be no timetable when a bus should stop there, but the app shows the live location of buses all over the city, so it’s possible to estimate how long it might take until one shows up. All the TukTuk drivers around me obviously didn’t understand why I was standing next to that rectangle drawn on the street with ‘bus stop’ written in it πŸ™‚ After maybe half an hour, a bus did show up, it was almost empty, had AC, and followed the route it was meant to take. Easy!

My hostel is next to Wat Phnom Daun Penh – and around there are benches in the shade. I entered the whole site from the back, therefore not passing by the ticket office until I was leaving.. ups πŸ˜‰

I went to the central market, to the food stalls around the russian market, managed to buy the ‘Golden Voice’ graphic novel, visited Tuol Sleng museum, found the insect lady, had some (almost) free beers at/near riverside.

Then I took the train towards Sihanoukville. In the beginning there were mostly tourists – later that changed a bit. I ended up talking to the Cambodian girl sitting next to me, and now have a new facebook friend πŸ˜‰

The train arrived in Sihanoukville 15 minutes early, so I had over 2 hours time to walk the maybe 2km to the ferry.