Rosemont – Us

The steward on the plane said the airport is a big construction site at the moment and then told me I can definitely leave the airport, get some food, and make it back on time. He recommended Culver’s for the best burger, and said I should take the train inside the airport to the car rental/parking station and from there call an Uber. So that’s what I did without questioning it.

Upon arrival at the airport, I just had to walk through immigration (no questions asked) and right after, there was the place to check in my bag again. I put it on that

The restaurant turned out to be a chain, the burger was nice, and at least I made it out of the airport 😉 When I was standing in front of the restaurant, wondering if I could walk back to the airport (google said 30 minutes, so easy!) an employee started talking to me and then mentioned there’s a bus! It was about to leave soon – it only goes once an hour or so! – and I decided that’s perfect. Nobody told me that whatever money I throw into that box in the bus will be gone, and I won’t get any change. And all I had was a 5 USD note. Great. But, I guess, still cheaper than Uber.