Vama Veche – Ro

The bus driver was still the same, Sol was still playing music in the street, and Mario and Florin were there too πŸ™‚ And Chief was back, too, after being away for a while!

On the first day, our neighbour in the green tent joined us for lunch, asking for just a piece of cheese, then he’d leave us alone,…

The place we put the tents was near the turn, rather far away from all the people. Unfortunately, in the next days, the water came out further and further, and eventually reached the tents. I didn’t want to get carried away while sleeping, so we looked for a new spot, without rocks, not next to the inofficial ‘toilet’, far from the water,.. and I ended up next to Sol. And we ended up cooking and eating together.

I spent quite some time sitting in the street, got a glow-in-the-dark ring and bracelet from Carmen and a Henna tattoo from Mario πŸ˜‰

An American guy showed up on the beach, we had tea, he borrowed me a blanket and saved me from freezing at night πŸ˜€

A Moroccan family in a van stopped by up on the hill.

The Romanian neighbour offered his air mattress in exchange for my solar panel πŸ˜‰

From the tent on the other side, a phone was stolen and police showed up..

And in the end even the lady from the restaurant, always checking that everyone pays for the toilet, offered us free soup πŸ™‚

One guy fell in love with a Romanian boy and started to plan moving to his city ..

The other’s girlfriend was pissed that I offered him cookies πŸ˜€

And then the neighbour’s green tent lay burnt on the beach, he was gone.