Vama Veche

Getting on the minibus in Mangalia, there was a guy in blue shorts and dreadlocks. That seemed to be the one to Vama Veche πŸ™‚ When I got off, that guy caught up with me and told me he wrote me on Couchsurfing πŸ™‚ I found the hostel – only one other bed is occupied – and went to the beach.

I had dinner, had a beer with Sol, and then Mario said he would be willing to try to fix my hair πŸ™‚ The next day I spent sitting in the main street, with Mario, Silvia and Alexandra, trying to hide from the sun, watching people, and having a few breaks for food and drinks.

Then followed a day of beach, coffee, swings, and cider in mainstreet πŸ™‚

And then Irina showed up, we painted on paper, she painted on me, and my tshirt. We went up the hill and put rings and necklaces into little plastic bags, and later made a fire, had marshmallows and some drinks up there.

The absolute highlight: Ayran in mainstreet. It was a ‘present’ πŸ˜‰ or so πŸ˜‰

Sunrise on my last day: