Dead Sea

In Amman it was cold at night – and in the morning – so I got in the car with tshirt, pullover and jacket. Down at the Dead Sea, though, it was really warm enough for swimming!

It’s possible to go to a big resort to get access to the Dead Sea. But it is also possible to just go wherever on the coast by yourself. So that is what we did. In one place, there are hot springs making it possible to wash the salty stuff off after swimming. People say you need shoes to go into the sea as the salt crystals hurt and will cut your skin. So on the way we bought the cheapest flip flops available. Not the fancy swimming shoes ones that just stay on your foot with no effort πŸ˜‰ That may have been a mistake. Getting into the water, walking slowly, looking at steps in the salt, balancing out the little waves, trying to keep the flip flop sole right under the foot was.. rather hard πŸ˜‰

We covered ourselves in mud, of course, and the hot spring was actually there, too! And there were not even any local people who could have protested about my not-very-covering clothes while there πŸ™‚ Perfect!