Istanbul – Tr

Departing on friday evening, after work from Zurich to Istanbul, we arrived around midnight and had to take a taxi to the city centre as there was no more public transport. However, it worked just fine, the taxi driver needed to make a few phone calls to find our hotel’s address, but he managed. And it was a lot cheaper than any pre-organised private transfer. Very good!
We put our stuff in the room and left again, there were lots of bars around the hotel and some were still open!
The next day started early not to miss breakfast on the roof top terrace, then we walked around, had some tea in a carpet shop, and went to the grand bazaar to buy a towel, lamps, perfume and a bracelet. We had some kind of wrap for lunch – the cheapest food we could find – then went to the hotel to leave our stuff there, and went to meet Marwa and her parents ðŸ™‚

We took the ferry to asia to have a coffee there, did a bosphorus cruise, went shopping in taksim and had lots of food before we had to already leave again.