Tokyo – Jp

As the Golden Week was just starting, upon arrival, we first went to the JapanRail office in the airport to get all the train reservations for the next week. The online reservation had not been successful, but by moving our program by one day, we were able to reserve shinkansen seats for all our train trips.

On our second day in Tokyo, we were invited to a barbecue organised by a couchsurfer and his friends. There were also a lot of other Japanese people around, as it was the first public holiday of the ‘golden week’. So some if Tai’s friends had been around, reserving the barvecue, since early morning. We only arrived at noon.

Towards the evening, we left to do a bit of sightseeing and went to Akihabara.

The next day, we saw the palace and, in the evening had dinner with some Couchsurfers in a typical Japanese place. We got our own room and were brought different plates of food. The menu included ‘all-you-can-drink’, so we had the chance to try different things ðŸ˜‰

In the temple area, we met, by chance, one of the girls we had met the night before at dinner. Tokyo is such a small city ðŸ™‚

Walking around, we saw a little shop with a looong queue of people waiting. We checked and saw that they all bought some kind of bread. A guy working there, told us to go and queue – it would take about 30minutes. We didn’t, and instead kept walking around in less crowded streets. And we really found another shop selling this bread. This one was without any queue and so we got our lunch of traditional Japanese sweet bread.