
Today, we arrived in Valparaiso in the afternoon…
At the bus station, in the tourist information office, we found a woman speaking arabic because she had lived in Syria for about 15 years. She offered us to stay at her mother’s house for a special price so we went there.
Near our home:

There are funny – antique german – trams (or whatever that should be called) driving around town:

Around the center of Valparaiso there are hills where you can go up with different “elevators” or rather funiculars. We didnt find the one we wanted to use to go up to see the sunset, so we walked up the hill.. and when we found our elevator at the top, it was closed..

The next day, we tried another elevator – the only one that actually is a real elevator. You had to walk a bit underground through the mountain to get to the elevator itself. The highest stop was on a tower from which we had a nice view over the town.

Then, we took a bus and went to Pablo Neruda’s house – a famous chilean poet and afterwards made a little boat trip around the port.

In the evening, we went to Viña del Mar, a tourist resort at the sea. There we saw the sunset and walked around a bit more