
Part of the waterfalls is on the Brazilian side, the other part is on the Argentinian side. Having no visa for Argentina, we didn’t have to think long and went to the Brazilian part.
From there, a tour is offered which includes driving through the forest in some kind of train, a little bit walking and then a boat tour to the waterfalls for a shower! It was hot, so the cold shower was just the right thing to do

After that tour, we walked around a bit more and saw more of the forest – there were so many butterflies – and a lot of different views of the waterfalls.

One day, we made a trip to Paraguay. As promised, no visa was necessary for this. Even more interesting: we wanted to do everything right and get a stamp when leaving Brazil. But when we told the woman there that we would only go to Ciudad del Este for a few hours, we didnt even get that stamp
Paraguay was chaotic.. the whole city seems to sell electronics stuff, clothes and perfume. Both original and fake, depending on the shop.

The last adventure we had, on December 25th, was a trip to the “Tres Fronteiras”. In this place, the three countries, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay meet and each country has a landmark painted in the colors of its flag. Everywhere you can read that this is one of the main sights of Foz do Iguacu. However, everyone told us we may not go there by public bus because the way is so dangerous, there are favelas, every day there are news about crimes.. In fact, the bus went along a nice street, a bit through the forest.. There were no houses anywhere in sight and the only people we saw were other tourists But well, maybe everyone was at home celebrating christmas?